How We Met . . .
Jamie and I met his freshman, my sophomore, year of high school. We went to Northern Virginia Christian Academy, and it was such a small school that everybody knew everybody. Throughout high school, Jamie and I had a few sciences classes together, but God didn’t time our relationship until 2 years later—my senior year. It was the beginning of school, and Jamie and I had participated in enough classes together to be acquaintances, but nothing else. We both signed up for my mom’s Anatomy class that year, and from the first week of school, Jamie suddenly stood out above everyone else. He was cute—sharp blue eyes, tanned skin, and beautiful curly hair—not to mention he was always top of his class and had the answer to every question! Handsome WITH brains? Yes, please!
Fast forward a few months and talk of the Homecoming Dance was ringing in the air. Couples were deciding on matching outfits and I was holding out hope, but not expecting, that Jamie would take notice of me at just the right time. He and I had started talking in class and in the hallways, and right before Christmas he began selling t-shirts for a McLean Bible Church missions trip. My logic: if I order a t-shirt, I can get his number! So I did. My plan worked! Christmas break soon approached, and on Christmas day (8:24 am to be exact, but who’s
counting?) Jamie texted me! He asked me out to Homecoming, and, as hard as it was, I declined until he asked me in person. That meant waiting through the rest of Christmas break until I saw him at school! Time certainly seemed to drag on.
I finally had a reason to be excited to go to school. Break slowly crawled to an end, and the first day back to school was here. Jamie brought me my “phone number” t-shirt that I had ordered and asked me to Homecoming in person; of course I said yes!
After Homecoming, Jamie and I had a second date at his house which involved building a massive igloo (roof and all) for almost a week during the infamous “Snowmageddon.” He even made Rice Krispies treats and built a fireplace in our igloo for me as a Valentine’s Day surprise! After months of hanging out together and going on dates (and a long time spent praying and talking about our relationship), Jamie asked me out over a picnic at Great Falls with a massive bouquet of white roses. It was a perfect day, and a perfect way to begin a lifelong relationship with my best friend and the love of my life!