These Kids are Lethal Weapons!

March 16, 2002

The five martial arts masters shown above, have just earned their White Belts! Pictured, left to right, are April McGinness, Emily and Sarah Wolfhope,
and Jared and Zach McGinness. Technically, the kids are taking
Tae Kwon Do, not Karate.

Each class begins with a warm-up and stretching period.

Jared's limberness officially reaches its limit . . .

April and Sarah suggest that you keep your distance or else . . .
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Meet "Bob;" he doesn't say much, but what a scowl!

Zach teaches "Bob" a lesson he won't soon forget!

Under the critical eye of three second-degree black-belt instructors,
the girls execute their "form."

Zach performs his routine for Mr. David.


The kids' instructor, Mr. David, demonstrates his agility with the "Bo Staff."


Then, April, Jared, and Zach were off for their first swimming lesson.

Three wet rats.
Click here for a big view of this photo.

The class watches eagerly as Jared demonstrates his technique for finding coins on the bottom of the pool.

Thanks for visiting.