If it moves, people will watch. A fun, quick way to grab the (short) attention of the Web surfer is to add ANY kind of animation to your Web site; and nowadays most every site has some kind of movement on it, if only to avoid deadly static pages or to direct the viewers gaze. Animation can lend 'importance' or whimsy to your company logo. How 'bout a metallic sheen, or a texture, or spotlights . . . You get the idea.

The images on the top half of the page at the right are GIF ANIMATIONS (pronounced like "GIFT", an acronym for
Graphic Interchange Format). This remains the standard method of animation on the Web, requiring no plug-ins, and functioning perfectly on all browsers and platforms. The newcomer is Flash animations, which can also include sound and music in a very small file-size. Have a look at these samples, then give us a call and let us move something for you.

GO to FLASH Animation




Flash movies offer animation as well as sound and music in a highly compressed format that is suitable for any platform or browser. What's the drawback? You need to have the Flash plug-in installed in your browser, but all modern browsers come with the plug-in already installed. If you're not sure or you just want the latest version go here (yes, it's free!):


Then, jump to the bottom of this page to see some eye-popping examples of Flash animation that can set your Website apart from the rest. Keep in mind that if you have a slower modem you may have to wait several seconds for the movie to start.

DIRE WARNING: Don't even think about lifting one these animations; they are copyrighted material. They appear on this page only as examples of the sort of work Jim's Studio creates for its clients. Call us! We'll whip one up for you!




Animations on the Web can be very simple, just several small GIF pictures played in sequence like these two-frame examples. One frame is "on" and one is "off."




These next four examples are more complex, usually involving multi-layer Photoshop files.



This next sample relies on intricate slicing and dicing of the art, then carefully placing it into an HTML table. This speeds up download time. Notice that the 'g' (in the center) is a static file (it doesn't move). Also, the fireworks on either side are NOT set at the same timing to keep the whole effect from seeming too symmetrical.


The final examples of GIFanimation below are the most complicated. They begin life in a 3D program where a model is constructed, textures applied (mapped), and lights set. Each individual frame is saved as a GIF and then reassembled in a GIF animation program.





If you don't have the Flash plug-in follow the link at the top of this page. Clicking on any link below will open a new window. Depending on your connection, some of the movies will start immediately, and some will take as long as a minute to download (on a 56k modem). Be patient. These are links to the actual websites.

Med Images

Opener for a prestigious medical imaging firm. This little movie shows in capsulized form exactly what they do.


Mini-movie for a missionary to Africa. Love that African drum . . . You'll be offered a choice of sound quality


We created their Web site, too.

Team Datooga

Opener for a neurosurgeon's online office.


We created and update their Web site, as well.

Quick and loud(!) opener for Riverdale Student Mininstries. Aimed at young teenagers.


We also created their Web site.

Belfort Fruniture



Welcome to Jim's Studio: Graphic & Web Design, & Illustration

Call us at our Fairfax, VA studio:
Our fax number is 703-691-7847.

EMAIL jimstudio@cox.net


©2003. All artwork shown at this site is copyrighted and owned by either the artist or the institution for whom the artwork was created; it may not be reproduced or used in any way without permission. The various corporate trademarks, names, and logos are the sole property of their respective owners, and do not imply endorsement of this Website.