Here is the 'skinny' about working with Jim's Studio.On these pages, you'll find things such as our credentials, some of the clients we've been blessed to labor with, and the details about forging a solid working relationship -- what each party expects of the other.

Nope. You won't find a price list here. While we do have an hourly rate, our preference is to determine a total price for the project (satisfactory to both parties, of course) which frees us from watching the clock and counting hours, and frees you from being 'nickeled-and-dimed-to-death.




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Welcome to Jim's Studio: Graphic & Web Design, & Illustration

Call us at our Fairfax, VA studio:
Our fax number is 703-691-7847.



©2003. All artwork shown at this site is copyrighted and owned by either the artist or the institution for whom the artwork was created; it may not be reproduced or used in any way without permission. The various corporate trademarks, names, and logos are the sole property of their respective owners, and do not imply endorsement of this Website.